Sunday, September 17, 2006

Ryder Cup

The Ryder Cup has finallt arrived. I didn't manage to get my hands on any match day tickets but I did get one for the Wednesday, a practice day.

I'm really looking forward to heading up. Cameras are allowed on the practice days so I'll post a few pictures during the week.

Come on Europe!!!!

Tuesday, September 12, 2006

Summer Coming To An End..........Sigh

I must admit I have not been playing as much golf as I wish. We started to build a house at the beginning of the summer and it's taking up alot of my time.

I can't remember the last competition I played in. I was supposed to play the last 2 Sundays but between staying out till after 6 one Sunday morning and the comp been cancelled the following all I've managed have been 3 halfish rounds, 9 holes, 11 holes and 10 holes, with the later this evening. We played 10 holes, of which I parred 6, bogied 2 and doubled the other 2.

Everything seemed to come together well. I lipped out the 2 bogies, as well as having 2 really decent birdie chances.

Playing in a 3 ball rumble on Sunday next. Looking foward it to it already.......