Wednesday, November 01, 2006

Bloody Weather

With the evenings now dark by 4.45 there has been very little golf. Even when we got out last week end at lunch time it was nearly dark by the time we finished.

I've been trying to get a bit of practice in when I can. Putting down the hall, swinging a club out in the back garden. Trying to get into the driving range during the week but with work, the house and other stuff that pops up i haven't had a chance.

The house is taking up most of my Saturdays. I don't really mind it too much though. To be honest I actually quite enjoy it. Kind of makes you want to go round the place grunting like Tim " The Toolman" Taylor.

The house is coming on grand. This picture was taken about 2 weeks ago. The slating has started and the plastering outside is all done. We've even started the painting. But all this work on the house, while enoyable as it is, does not do much for my golf game.

I'm hoping t oget out next Sunday for the Competition. I'll let ye know how I get on....