Thursday, November 29, 2007

Move Is On!!! last....we have a definite date.
The last of the work is being completed this weekend. We can start cleaning and moving stuff in next week.
It's been a long wait but we're finally there. It looked like another postponement was on the cards as the painter was late getting to house but he got there so all is good.



Saturday, November 24, 2007

Howya now

I know the posts have slackened off over the last couple of months or so but with good reason. I've been busy. That and the fact I've had no internet connection at home.

There's a few things I've wanted to write about. First, is my new house. It's nearly finished. After nearly 20 months of slogging at the weekends, of deciding what colour kitchen to what colour paint for each of the rooms. The last decision was made last week and that's it. No more changes or looking at something else, or being asked for my opinion on whether this unit would look better in this room or that room or will we change it altogether. I know I'm whinging and sound like I didn't enjoy being so involved the the building of the house but I actually loved it. There is something very rewarding about looking at some part of the house and know that I had something to do with getting it done, however small it may be. Hoping to move in Friday week. I'll post a few pics in a bit.

Next on my list is the Vodafone 3G Broadband modem. On their website they have a map of the coverage that they provide a service for. Athenry, where I live, is supposed to have their 3G broadband speeds. I say supposed. No where near broadband speeds. I've tried the modem in a few different locations around the town and I can't get speeds anywhere near what they say is available. I got the modem last week but only got it hooked up on Thursday last. I have to contact them regarding it, because it's not cheap.

Next up is my golfing. I got to play the Monty course at Carton House a couple of Sundays ago. Class layout, course a bit dull but very testing. If you have the misfortune of finding the bunkers you'll need a ladder to get in and out of them. I had only managed 18 holes on the course and 45 mins on the range since the Cecil Ewing final. The 18 holes I played were an awful mixed bag, ranging from ok to dreadful. So to be honest I actually thought about pulling out of the trip to Kildare. Was I glad I didn't. I managed to play pretty good for the day. I had 21 points at the turn, and although I only managed another 10 on the back 9 it wasn't solely because of bad shots. I did have a few bad ones, with my short game really showing up my lack of regular play. I hit alot of good shots only to find bunkers or a bad lie. All in all I was very happy with how I played and was glad I went. I'm really looking forward to when my time i my own again and I get get back out playing regularly. (House nearly finished so I'll soon have my weekends back).

Last but not least, if you know of anyone looking to buy a house in the West of Ireland you could do alot worse than the house I'm moving from. Up for sale now with Remax. If you know of anyone interested mail me at


Monday, November 12, 2007

Been a While

I know it's been a while since my last update but I'm in the middle of moving to my new house.
As a result I have has to cancel by broadband connection while Eircom gets me set up.

Hopefully it won't be too much longer......