Wednesday, January 30, 2008


Nearly that time of year again, when we head for the slopes of St Johann en Tirol in Austria. Was sorting out all my gear last weekend and am now really excited. 9 days and counting!!!

Monday, January 28, 2008


Cillian's been flying it lately. He's started moving under his own power - he's stared crawling backwards. Into any sort of divilment he can get into in. If there's something there that he's not supposed to be at then you can be sure that's where he'll be!!


I got it. I ordered my broadband connection just over a week ago and was not surprised to be told I'd have to wait until 6th Feb for a connection.
By chance I connected my router to the phone socket to see if there was a light chance they'd have it connected early. And when I spotted it today the dsl light was glowing back at me. My 3MB line is up and running so I have no more excuses as to why the blog can't be kept up to date.

Got my golfing year off to a decent start Saturday week ago. 32 points - so overall I was happy. Played another 18 holes yesterday and to say the golf was up and down would be an enormous understatement. Playing again next week but am going to try and hit the range before then.

Skiing coming up. We head off the St Johann en Tirol in less than 2 weeks for our now annual ski fest. Am really looking forward to it. Maire is getting back on the skis this year and we have 3 first-timers so it should make for an exciting week. I've all the gear found so I'm pretty much set. Even collected the tickets last weekend. Austria here we come......

Thursday, January 03, 2008



I know blog's been quite fir the past few weeks, months.
It's mostly down to the lack of broadband, but partly duw to a lack of 'couldn't be arsed' ness.

It will improve.

OK Donal?