Monday, November 16, 2009

Thursday, November 12, 2009


Hey all!!

I was in for a golf lesson on Tuesday. Talk about value for money.
All year I have been very solid with my irons. But have been a bit suspect off the tee. Basically any time I put a driver or a three wood in my hand it can range from very good to plain awful.
In 5 mins Gary ( The Pro ) had spotted the problem. An issue with how I gripped the club. Apparently I have two grips - one for when i'm hitting irons and one for off the tee.

So now that he fixed that problem I have no more excuses......

Saturday, September 19, 2009

Golfing This Morning!!!

Morning All!!

Out for a round of golf this morning.
Haven't managed to play at all since last weekend. Nice weather all week for golf.
I'll give you three guesses as to what it's doing out there now.

Bloody typical....

Thursday, September 17, 2009

My Family

Minus me!!

Luas V Dublin Bus

Feckin mad this.
How in God's name can the drivers not see each other? It's not like they're driving small things.
A few people still seriously injured.

It's Been A While....

Well, Hello

I know it's been a while since I posted anything but well I really wasn't arsed.
I'll try and post regular ( well regular-ish) updates.

Went out for a run this evening for the first time in I don't know how long. I ran just under 4 k and made it home alive so all in all it was a pretty successful return.
Everyone seems to be out running these days so I said I might as well get on board.

Got my hands on a few new lenses so will try and get out this weekend and get a few shots. I'll post a few of the pics here.

Cillian & Caoimhe getting bigger and bolder - well not so bold - I'll stick a couple of pics up of them over the weekend.

Well, that'll about do it.

Thursday, July 30, 2009

Sunday, July 12, 2009



I got to play Westport yesterday and despite all the weather forecasts - which predicted alot of rain - we managed to get around with only a couple of drops. And I mean literally a couple of drops.
Didn't get off to the best of starts and considering I have been playing well lately it was a little bit of a pisser.
I could only manage 11 points on the front nine. The bank nine was a different kettle of fish. Played very well and amassed 19 points. No where near enough to win but happy none the less.

Myself and two of the lads are heading to the Open next weekend in Turnberry, Scotland. Heading out in a camper so will be leaving for Belfast on Friday afternoon and will arrive at Turnberry for some time around 3 -we think. Am really looking forward to it.

Am playing in the Tuesday open comp this week so will try and get back to the way the blog was before and post a bit after I'm done.


Monday, June 22, 2009

A New Post

Cillian out for a Swing!!

Monday, March 23, 2009

Class Weekend of Sport

What a weekend.

It started with watching Utd go down 2-0 at Fulham while having two players sent off. Continued onto discovering that Chelsea had also lost. That was followed up with the first Irish Grand Slam in over 60 years as Ireland beat Wales in nerve wrecking fashion. After this came Bernard Dunne's world title victory.
Then to my absolute delight Liverpool give Villa a thumping.


Saturday, March 14, 2009

Liverpool Today

I am absolutely delighted with today's result. To beat Utd at home at any stage is a great result. To score 4 goals in the process is unbelievable. Not to mention that the slim chance Liverpool had / have of winning the title could only continue with 3 points. I am over the moon.
Some commentators and fans will only be delighted to state that Utd slipped up rather than Liverpool totally outplayed them. They will say that it only goes to show how inconsistent Liverpool have been all season. But I point to the fact that despite not having the money to spend like Utd and Chelsea, and having drawn more games than we would like we are still hanging on in there. We knew a victory was what was required to keep the chance of a title alive. And a victory was achieved.

Utd's next game at Fulham is now huge. While they will most likely win at Craven Cottage, and most likely win the title it is not as much as a given as it was. If by some chance Fulham manage even a draw Utd then have to face a Villa side still hoping for a top 4 placing.

I can't wait.

Thursday, March 12, 2009

Cillian's New Job

With all this news of a recession Cillian said he'd do his bit and help out with the bills.

Sunday, March 08, 2009

Sports Photography

I gave it a shot last weekend at he Athenry B V CB Trotters match. I would really like to get into sports photography and am doing a couple of courses over the next few months - but there's nothing like getting some experience. When I get a few more matches under my belt I'm going to try and use a contact I have in Galway Utd to see if he can get me in for a couple of matches - could possibly be easier to get into a Mervue Utd match. There playing Division 1 now in League of Ireland and are playing their home matches in Terryland now as well.

Here's a few I took at the Athenry match...

Saturday, March 07, 2009

Golfing This Morning!!!

But is pissing out if it.......Great

Saturday, February 14, 2009

Valentine's Day

Happy Valentine's Day!!

We didn't manage to get out tonight as we had parenting duties that couldn't be passed over for the night.
But a good night was had none the less.

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

The Moon over Athenry

The sky was very clear over Athenry last night and I managed to grab the this shot.

Poor Auld Keano

I was glad to see Robbie get a couple of goals this evening. He was very badly treated by Liverpool.
Although I do see why Rafa had to stick to his guns about his desire to have full control over who comes and goes at Anfield.
But never the less I did feel really sorry for Robbie when his dream move turned into a nightmare.

Now back at Spurs as captain and a couple of goals tonight - even though it wasn't his best performance in a green shirt - he'll sleep a bit happier tonight than his has done for a couple of weeks.

Fair play..

Saturday, January 24, 2009

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Rafa The Gaffa

I know people have been saying Rafa is starting to loose the plot but I think the "rant" at Fergie last week was exactly what was needed. He's coming out swinging. Fergie gets away with so much shite. Rafa could have done with beating Stoke though after laying into Slur Alex.

Thursday, January 01, 2009

January 1st

Just wanted to say Happy New Year to one and all!!!

Liverpool for the title!!!
Harrington for the "Paddy Slam"