Saturday, September 19, 2009

Golfing This Morning!!!

Morning All!!

Out for a round of golf this morning.
Haven't managed to play at all since last weekend. Nice weather all week for golf.
I'll give you three guesses as to what it's doing out there now.

Bloody typical....

Thursday, September 17, 2009

My Family

Minus me!!

Luas V Dublin Bus

Feckin mad this.
How in God's name can the drivers not see each other? It's not like they're driving small things.
A few people still seriously injured.

It's Been A While....

Well, Hello

I know it's been a while since I posted anything but well I really wasn't arsed.
I'll try and post regular ( well regular-ish) updates.

Went out for a run this evening for the first time in I don't know how long. I ran just under 4 k and made it home alive so all in all it was a pretty successful return.
Everyone seems to be out running these days so I said I might as well get on board.

Got my hands on a few new lenses so will try and get out this weekend and get a few shots. I'll post a few of the pics here.

Cillian & Caoimhe getting bigger and bolder - well not so bold - I'll stick a couple of pics up of them over the weekend.

Well, that'll about do it.