Saturday, February 20, 2010

Friday, February 19, 2010

Test Blog

Trying to post via iPhone

Here goes...

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New Golfing Year

With more than half of February gone I'm hoping that the worst of the weather is behind us and we can finally get back out on the course with some regularity.
The Captains drive in is on this weekend with the weekly 18 hole comps starting up the week after.
Hopefully the weather will hold up for the driver in. Course was closed today due to frost.
Will be hitting hte range once if not twice a week for the next month to help get back in the "swing" of things.
Am really going to try and get down to 11 this year. Fingers crossed

Skiing 2010

Well we made it back in one piece. Which is always good.
Worst fall I had all week was slipping on way home from pub on the Friday night!!
Plenty of snow and sunshine too. So conditions were really ideal. We were pretty much up on the slopes all week. Latest we made it up was 9.45 and we were up there till around 4 most days so got plenty of skiing in.

Few pics of week