Friday, September 21, 2012


Cool pic

Back on the road....again....

Well, it's been a while since the last post. And a bit has happened since then... My son Donnacha was born and is now just over a year old. I trained for and cycled to Lourdes, France for the charity IHCPT. And none of it recorded. I've decided to re-do the cycle in 2014 (it's ran every two years). But since I returned from France back in April I've done very little on the bike. A few kilos were put on as the planned month off the bike turned into a few months off the bike. So to that end I hit the gym about 6 weeks ago and have dropped the kilos gained. I was back on the bike for a couple of spins last week. I dropped the bike into the Cycle Superstore in Tallaght yesterday to give it a good once over before hitting the road again. I'm also going to try and keep the blog updated, particularly with how training is going as the plan is to do the cycle to Lourdes at about 85-90 kilos so that's about 20 kilos to drop between now and then. As it's not until March 2014 that is, I think, very achievable. Next week I'm off to Barcelona for a long weekend so lots to look forward to - both short term and long term. Adios, for now.....