Wednesday, April 03, 2013

Decent Weather at last

Decent weather for a couple of days at least. Managed to get a 40km spin in last night in shorts, no shoe covers and fingerless gloves. First time since I don't know when.

We went up and did Ryehill. I managed to knock 20 secs off previous best so happy out with progress being made on the bike this year.

Still here!!

It's another one of those "Well it's been a while since my last post.....yada yada yada....." The plan is to use the blog to track my progress to hitting target of 80kg before March 2014's Cycle to Lourdes. The cycle is due to be launched this evening in Lourdes as the trust is currently out there for the annual pilgrimage. So the plan is to loose 20kg between now and March 2014 - just under 12 months... So here goes..