Sunday, January 03, 2010

A New Year

So it's 2010. A new year.
What to do. Well for starters I'm going to try and get down to 12. And then try and play of it.
It'll take a good bit of effort. But having not put much effort in last year and still shaving 2 shots off I'm definitely ready for the challenge.
I finished 2009 off well - I was striking the ball well and managed a few good results which got me in to the top ten of golfer of the year. Considering there is over 600 members I think it's not too bad.

Another goal is to try and update the blog regularly - not necessarily because of I have hundreds tuning in for an update. I'd like to have a good record of how the year has gone. I look back on some of my earlier posts and can read back good accounts of my golfing exploits.
Anyway that's the plan.


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