Sunday, August 24, 2008

A Bad Round

After my recent good form on the golf course I took a couple of weeks off. Well, I say "took off", but in actual fact as to anyone who even looked out a window in the last 2 weeks, let alone go outside, will tell you it literally started raining and didn't stop.
So with a 2 week break from playing I headed out on Friday evening to blow off the cobwebs - as it was President's Prize weekend in the club.

As I hadn't played for a bit I was expecting the standard to be pretty bad. But to my surprise I played really well, shooting 2 over for 12 holes. So instead of dreading teeing it up in the Presidents the following morning I actually thought I had a chance - How wrong I was.

To be fair, I played reasonably well - but in patches. Now it definitely didn't help matters that it was bucketing down. I not going to go into the detail of it but let's just say that a 3 triple bogies and a 10 at the 10th was the death of my round.
Before yesterday I hadn't gone over 90 shots for at least 3 months - yesterday's score was a lovely 99.

Absolutely awful. Awful.......Awful..

Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Come on Paul Hession!!!

Athenry man Paul Hession runs in the semi-final of the 200m in Beijing today at 2.25pm.
With a small bit of luck he'll progress to the final - his gold medal.

Saturday, August 16, 2008


This picture was taken yesterday evening. He's getting big and tall. And he's now walking!!!

Monday, August 11, 2008


I managed to get out for 18 in yesterday's competition. Despite it blowing gales out I managed to keep under my new handicap, 16.
Shot an 85 which gives me a Net 69 - which should be good enough to feature.

2 weeks in a row - I feel my head getting bigger and bigger.......

Saturday, August 09, 2008

New Driver - Taylormade Burner

Just a quick note on my new driver, a Taylormade Burner. I have the 10.5 with regular shaft.
I'm really loving this club, Bar an odd loose one I'm hitting it really well.

Long may it continue!!

A Good Bit of Progress

Over the last couple of weeks my golf has come on a lot.
While I was on a weeks holidays I managed to get out a good bit and it really paid off.

Last Sunday, in very bad weather, I had 39 points. While I was a little disappointed after the round mainly because of a blow out and three doubles in the last 7 holes, I was happy with the 39. It was good enough to get me second place - the winner also had 39 points but he had a better back 9.

Out I went again on Monday only to shoot my best round ever - a 78, playing off 16. ( I got cut down from 16.5 to 15.7 for my second place ).

Due to my unbeaten record for the club I was asked to play for the Connaught Shield team. We were playing Beana on Tuesday evening. Once again I kept up my unbeaten record winning on the 15th but unfortunately we were bet overall, 4 - 1. Disappointing but what can you do.

So I'm really looking forward to the next couple of competitions - The Christy Kelly Memorial tomorrow and the Presidents Prize in a couple of weeks. Hopefully my form will continue.

Taking it easy