Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Quick Spin

Nothing major today - just a short 30km spin. Was going grand until turned for home at Killtullagh. Feckin headwind against me again. Not having much luck with the wind these days.
Before I got out for a spin though had to fix puncture. Had a puncture last week and fixed at roadside. Must have strained nozzle or something because it was pancake like when I went to the bike this evening.

This is my stats for last 30 days:
Progress Summary Report
Count: 16 Activities
Distance: 607.00 km
Time: 22:37:45 h:m:s
Elevation Gain: 3,289 m
Avg Speed: 26.8 km/h
Avg HR: 138 bpm
Avg Bike Cadence: 74 rpm
Calories: 18,971 C

Happy enough with them. Have to try and get cadence up. Jigsaw cycle coming up on Sunday week. 100km event so looking forward to that. Ge

Getting out with the Seven Springs CC tomorrow and again on Saturday - I hope. Weather looks good for the week so should be able to get a few more kms under the belt.

Came across a post on boards.ie about Mark Beaumont. He cycled the length of the Americas. First 2 episodes have been very enjoyable. I'd watch the third right now but it;s after 12 and my bed is calling.

I'll post an update later in the week.


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