Tuesday, May 30, 2006

In Addition

Well, I went out to the golf club today to check the board and make sure Philly hadn't made some mistake. He hadn't. I finished in 60th position with the top 64 qualifying. I'm delighted. 60th out of about 150 is not bad.

Have to get a bit of practice in though. On the range practice. Got out for 9 holes this evening. I'm driving the ball well but pulling some of them left. Had a couple of pars and a few bogies, but I also had a couple of puzzling shots. I sliced a couple with a 5 and 7 iron that I hadn't been doing in a long while. I suppose all the more reason to hit the range.

I'm going to try and get out once more before I head away for the long weekend.
I'm also going to try and sort a lesson.

Maybe a couple of lessons........

Monday, May 29, 2006


I just found out this evening that I qualified for the club match play tournament. My net 77 was just about good enough. 77 was the cut off. I'll find out later in the week who I'm playing.

I just hope I don't disgrace myself.

A Bit Hit & Miss.........Revisited

I played in the competition yesterday. It was a stroke play event. Top 64 qualified for the club match play. A net score of 72-74, maybe even 75 would be good enough to qualify - usually.
It was a round of some ok shots, some good shots and some great shots, as well as, unfortunately, some bad ones.

There were pars, bogies, double bogies, 2 triple bogies and one awful 4 0ver. I had a 7 on the par 4 5th. I put my drive out of bounds and didn't do too good with my second. I took my punishment and was happy enough to get out with the 7. I managed to pull my self back into contention with a couple of pars and a run of 4 bogies. I had my second 7 on the par 4 14th. I hit a decent drive to the left of the fairway. I was about 155 metres out. I hit in a 5-iron but left the face open slightly and the ball shot out left into the trees to the right front side of the green. When I got up to the ball I wasn't too happy to see the ball in a drain. I took my penalty drop and landed it on the font of the green fourth shot. I was thinking that if I could manage to two put and get out with a 6 it wouldn't be too bad. I putted it to within 5 feet of the hole. To my absolute dismay I missed the 5 footer. Another 7 - GREAT.

What really finished me off was the following hole, the par 4 15th. I was pretty angry with myself for missing the 5 footer on the previous hole. The ball felt every bit of it. I drove it straight down the middle - a long way down the middle. I was about 145 metres out. I took out my 5-iron again. I'd been hitting it very well - except for my second shot on the 14th.
I seized up the green, decided which line I wanted to send it down. I shanked it. I nearly took the head off the guy teeing off on the 14th tee box. I was left behind a bunch of tall trees. Way too tall to get a lob wedge over them. I took out my 4-iron and decided on a punch shot. There is a concrete bin beside the 14th tee. I caught it so square that the ball nearly hit me on the way back. From there I lost it - ended up taking an 8 and definitely ruining my card.
I had a par and 2 bogies on the last three holes - just to rub in the fact that if I'd managed to only have two or three shots less on the 14th & 15th I'd probably have qualified.

Ah well, live and learn. I finished with a lovely 97 - a net 77. Come Thursday I'll be playing off 21, so I'll have one more shot to play with. I'm really going to try and get more practice in, as well as a lesson over the next week or so. Have to improve my consistency with my chipping. I know I can chip and lob well. But I mess up about 3 or 4 out of every 10. Have to improve that. I'm happy enough with my driving and my iron play but a bit of practice wouldn't hurt. Putting has improved something over the last couple of weeks. Very happy with that.

I'm away next weekend so I'm going to try and get out a couple of times during the week.


Saturday, May 27, 2006

Last Saturday in Oughterard

I was invited to play in a CIF sponsered single stabeford competition with a couple of guys from work. It was held at Oughterard Golf Club. Tee time was 9.50am.

We all arrive out in good time so we got to go out a bit earlier than our tee time. The course was pretty wet. It had rained heavily on the Thursday and Friday. After a dodgey first drive, ( I sliced it slightly), I had a decent shot in. About 165 metres out - a 5 iron I thought. I steadied myself, had a practice swing and let fly. Ball again went right of target. I tought it was going to be one of those days, especialy as the two lads I was playing with both found centre of fairway with drives and were both just off the green after their second shot. I pitched in to about 15 foot and two putted. Bogey to start. But it was to get better. After a good drive I was about 145 metres out and I stitched the green with a 7 iron. Was about 12 feet out from pin. I seized up the put, hit it and to my absolute delight watched it roll in. My first birdie outside of Athenry. I followed up this birdie with 3 pars, 2 of which were puts over 20 feet.

After the golf I had been playing leading up to last Saturday I was not sure how I was going to play on a new course. I finished the round with 36 points, one point short of a prize. My round included 1 birdie and 7 pars. I finally held a score together in a competiton.

I was very happy with most aspects of my game. My chipping and putting were as good as they've ever been. Iron play was solid and Driving was not too bad. Hit a couple of slices but over all I was happy.

Playing tomorrow in a competition in Athenry. Here's hoping I brought my game in with me from Oughterard.

I should also point out that I've had a couple more birdies since last weekend. I got out for a couple of holes during the week.

Hopefully I have a couple more left for tomorrow.

Until next time......

Thursday, May 18, 2006

A Bit Hit & Miss...

Well since my last post my driving as been a bit erratic. After playing last Thursday and hitting the ball so well I was eager to get out again on Friday for a few holes.

I couldn't find anyone to go out so I hit the range. I was pinging my drives. I was delighted. I got 100 balls and I think that was my mistake. By the time I got to 60 or so I had enough. I hit a few with my irons and again they were all going well.
An odd bad shot was creeping in though. When I was leaving the range a thought crept through my head. Had I used up all my good shots? Was I over-doing it?

I got my answer on Sunday morning. It was very wet and we were teeing off for 8am. It was a V-par doubles competition. Me and Ian, my brother. I started off well. First 2 drives down the middle and my tee shot with a 4-iron on the par-3 third was spot on. Even my drive on the 4th was decent. I lost it a bit going down the 5th. Drivewas very left, high and short. I had to knock the ball out from behind a tree, so I grabbed my 4 iron to hit a low easy punch shot, caught it too sweet and sent it into another tree. I only just about managed to keep the head.
What was really getting to me was that I knew only a couple of days before everything was going so well. I parred the par-3 6th to put us 2 up through the 6 holes. Then came 7 and 8. I'm not going to go into too much detail about these holes, but lets just say that I had taken 3 shots on the par-5 8th and I was only beside the ladies tee.
We went in after 9 2- up, mainly thanks to Ian.

I got out for 13 holes on Tuesday evening and played ok. Had 4 pars and 6 bogies, 2 doubles and a 8 on the par 4 1st. Driving was ok. My problem is now, pulling the ball low and left.

I'm supposed to be playing in an Am-Am tomorrow at 4 and again on Saturday morning. So I'm hoping I can keep it together for a full 18, twice. Fingers crossed......not holding my breath though.

Thursday, May 11, 2006

Hitting It Well!!

I don't want to jinx myself or anything but since I decided to give it a lash on the 13th tee last Sunday I've been hitting the ball really well, both off the tee and from the fairwat and rough.

I played 15 holes on Tuesday evening and 9 holes this evening and I've not put myself behind a tree once. I've had a decent 2nd shot every time.

Playing again tomorrow evening and in the competition on sunday so here's hoping it continues.

Monday, May 08, 2006

Yesterday's Competition

I played in yesterday's competition with a couple of the lads. Having thought I'd sorted out my driving over the last couple of weeks I was greatly dissappointed with how I started out. One drive would be awful, one would be not so bad. Nothing really good.

By the time I got to the 13th tee I was fed up with the driving. My iron play was pretty solid, bubut I was putting myself in some awkward positions. So on the 13th tee I put the ball forward in my stance, took a slow and steady back swing and let rip. To my delight I hit it about 275 yards. And it continued for the remainder.

Before I was taking a cautious approach with my driving. I was keeping the ball in the middle of my stance and kept the full swing slow and steady. But I'm now going to keep trying to hit it as far as I can. If it means I slice the odd one and knock into the next fairway so be it.

I finished the round strong and ended up with 25 points, with 18 points coming in the last 6 holes. I'm looking forward to heading out to the driving range and really working on my driving. So here's hoping next Sunday will be better......