Saturday, May 27, 2006

Last Saturday in Oughterard

I was invited to play in a CIF sponsered single stabeford competition with a couple of guys from work. It was held at Oughterard Golf Club. Tee time was 9.50am.

We all arrive out in good time so we got to go out a bit earlier than our tee time. The course was pretty wet. It had rained heavily on the Thursday and Friday. After a dodgey first drive, ( I sliced it slightly), I had a decent shot in. About 165 metres out - a 5 iron I thought. I steadied myself, had a practice swing and let fly. Ball again went right of target. I tought it was going to be one of those days, especialy as the two lads I was playing with both found centre of fairway with drives and were both just off the green after their second shot. I pitched in to about 15 foot and two putted. Bogey to start. But it was to get better. After a good drive I was about 145 metres out and I stitched the green with a 7 iron. Was about 12 feet out from pin. I seized up the put, hit it and to my absolute delight watched it roll in. My first birdie outside of Athenry. I followed up this birdie with 3 pars, 2 of which were puts over 20 feet.

After the golf I had been playing leading up to last Saturday I was not sure how I was going to play on a new course. I finished the round with 36 points, one point short of a prize. My round included 1 birdie and 7 pars. I finally held a score together in a competiton.

I was very happy with most aspects of my game. My chipping and putting were as good as they've ever been. Iron play was solid and Driving was not too bad. Hit a couple of slices but over all I was happy.

Playing tomorrow in a competition in Athenry. Here's hoping I brought my game in with me from Oughterard.

I should also point out that I've had a couple more birdies since last weekend. I got out for a couple of holes during the week.

Hopefully I have a couple more left for tomorrow.

Until next time......

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