Thursday, May 18, 2006

A Bit Hit & Miss...

Well since my last post my driving as been a bit erratic. After playing last Thursday and hitting the ball so well I was eager to get out again on Friday for a few holes.

I couldn't find anyone to go out so I hit the range. I was pinging my drives. I was delighted. I got 100 balls and I think that was my mistake. By the time I got to 60 or so I had enough. I hit a few with my irons and again they were all going well.
An odd bad shot was creeping in though. When I was leaving the range a thought crept through my head. Had I used up all my good shots? Was I over-doing it?

I got my answer on Sunday morning. It was very wet and we were teeing off for 8am. It was a V-par doubles competition. Me and Ian, my brother. I started off well. First 2 drives down the middle and my tee shot with a 4-iron on the par-3 third was spot on. Even my drive on the 4th was decent. I lost it a bit going down the 5th. Drivewas very left, high and short. I had to knock the ball out from behind a tree, so I grabbed my 4 iron to hit a low easy punch shot, caught it too sweet and sent it into another tree. I only just about managed to keep the head.
What was really getting to me was that I knew only a couple of days before everything was going so well. I parred the par-3 6th to put us 2 up through the 6 holes. Then came 7 and 8. I'm not going to go into too much detail about these holes, but lets just say that I had taken 3 shots on the par-5 8th and I was only beside the ladies tee.
We went in after 9 2- up, mainly thanks to Ian.

I got out for 13 holes on Tuesday evening and played ok. Had 4 pars and 6 bogies, 2 doubles and a 8 on the par 4 1st. Driving was ok. My problem is now, pulling the ball low and left.

I'm supposed to be playing in an Am-Am tomorrow at 4 and again on Saturday morning. So I'm hoping I can keep it together for a full 18, twice. Fingers crossed......not holding my breath though.

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