Monday, June 12, 2006

The Match!!!

I got a phone call on Saturday evening from the guy I was playing in the club matchplay. Because the Captain's prize is coming up next weekend he wanted to try and get our match played as soon as possible. We arranged to meet at the golf club on Sunday afternoon and see if we could get out somewhere.

I went out a bit early and hit the driving range. I hit a basket of balls and was just on the putting green for about 5 minutes when he arrived over and introduced himself, Tom. Sound man. That kind of calmed whatever nerves I had. My main goal was not to get walloped. I did not want to be coming in after 11 or 12 holes well and truly bet.

We set off. He was playing off 18 so he had the honour of teeing off first. He sent it pretty much down the middle. I stood up and hit mine into the trees on the right hand side of the fairway. The ball landed in a bit of a clearing. I had a good gap to aim through but the ball was resting about 1 inch from a rock embeded in the ground. I knocked it through the trees but couldn't hit it too hard. I was still short of his drive. I hit a 7 iron in. I was short by about a foot from it being a great shot. Instead it rolled back into the bunker. Tom hit his 2nd onto the green. I hit out of the bunker and passed the pin by about 10 feet. Tom putted to about 6 inches. I was 1 down.

After a couple of decent drives and good approach shots we shared the second with 2 pars. Onto the third. We both hit to the right hand side of the green. I chipped out but didn't catch enough of the ball. It stopped on the first cut. Tom chipped to 2 feet. I left the put short. 2 down.

The 4th was playing down through a big wind blowing left to right accross us. Tom hit a 5 wood down the middle. I hit driver. I was trying to keep it low but I got too much on it and it went out of bounds. I managed to hit my third down the middle. Both of us hit the green with our next shot, his 2nd and my 4th. Again he putted to a few inches to win the hole. 3 down. Not looking good.

The 5th plays the same direction as the 4th so again the wind was a big factor. Tom hit his too much to the right and went out onto the 8th fairway. Again I treid to keep mine low but caught it a little too much. The wind caught it and it ended up in the trees on the right hand side of the fairway. I took 2 to get out and then proceeded to hit my 4th into the bunker. Tom had managed to find the 5th fairway with his 2nd and rolled up his third onto the green. I chipped out well enough but still had a lot to do to make a 6. Tom putted to about 3 feet. I missed my put and conceded the hole. 4 down. 4 down through 5. Not looking good. Not looking good at all.

The wind was blowing against us on the 6th. I took out my 5 iron. Tom hit his to the right of the green. I hit mine a little to the right. It was also short. It stopped a couple of feet from the bunker. I chipped to 6 feet. Tom chipped his into the bunker, and took 2 to get out. He conceded. 1 back. 3 down.

The comeback had started. I went on to win 7, 8 and 9. All square going down 10. I put my drive on the 1oth into more trees. Bloody trees. Lost the 10th, and after another woeful drive on the 11th I lost that one too. Back to 2 down. I put my tee shot on the 12th out of bounds and proceeded to loose that one as well. 3 down. I thought I was done for. I'd be in by the 15th.

Tom hit his drive on the 13th into very heavy rough. I played it safe. Down the middle. And then hit a 5 iron to just in front of the green. Tom took 2 to get out of the rough and was still a good bit back. He hit his 4th to just below the bunker. I pitched onto the green. But well down from the pin. Tom pitched into the bunker and just managed to get out in 1. It was hanging on the edge. He conceded. 2 down.

Both of our drives on the 14th went ot the right. Mine was a bit bigger than Tom's. He was behind the trees and had to play out. He hit his third to the front left of the green. I hit my second to the right of the green. Just off the edge. I pitched in to about 2-3 feet. Tom putted to about 2-3 feet. I sank the put and won the hole. Only 1 in it now through 14. It would go to 16 at least now. No disgrace in that.

We both had disasters on 15. Tom won it with a 7. A bloody 7. 2 down, 3 holes left. Onto the 16th. Tom hit his drive into the trees on the right. I hit my best drive all day. A screamer down the left handside of the fairway. Perfect for a good approach shot. Tom hit his 2nd out but caught it too sweetly. It ran diagonally accross the fairway. It stopped just behind more trees. I hit my second to the green, front left hand side. It took Tom another 2 shots to make the green. I two putted to about 2 feet. Tom needed to make his put to keep hole alive. He missed. 1 in it now, 2 holes left.

I hit my tee shot short on the 17th. Tom went to the right of the green. I didn't do myself any favours when I pitched it 2 feet onto the green. About 40-45 feet shot of the pin. Tom chipped to within 10 feet. I lined up the put, hit it and to my utter delight watched it roll in. Tom missed his par put and we went to all square with 1 left to play. I couldn't believe it.

I then, to my utter dismay, hit my tee shot out of bounds. I skyed the ball left. I then had to watch Tom hit his. It went a bit right but he had a good shot in. I teed up again and hit a big drive down the middle, even better than my drive on the 16th. Tom hit his second to the bunker on the front left hand side of the green. I hit my 4th, out of a divot, onto the green. 20 feet short of pin. Tom caught his ball thin. It flew out of the bunker and nearly broke a window in the club house before bouncing around the balcony. He dropped in the bunker and hit his 5th shot to the back of the green. He then putted to 3 feet. I had 2 shots to win. All I wanted to do was get it close. The ball went about 4 feet passed the hole. I respotted the ball, took a deep breath and putted. In it went. I won.

I had been 4 down through 5, all square through 9, 3 down through 12, 2 down with 3 to play and I won. Absolutly brilliant.

I'm over the moon. I called all my golfing mates after the match. I was talking about it for the night.

Bring on the next match.

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