Monday, March 10, 2008

Golfing Again

Got out for a few holes at the weekend. I really enjoyed playing. I've only managed to get out a few times since last September with the house move, weather and spending time with Cillian.

Only managed to get 9 in as the weather when we were heading out was pretty atrocious. Because it was so bad we started on the 10th but by the time we'd got to the 11th it had eased up a fair bit.

Didn't go too bad. Bogied the 10th, 11th. Doubled the 12th after knocking first ball out of bounds. Got another bogie on the 13th, parred the 14th, doubled the 15th, parred the 16th and 17th and finished with a bogie on the 18th. 8 over for the 9 holes so net level par.

Playing again next Saturday morning so am going to try and hit the range a couple of time before then.

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