Sunday, March 16, 2008

Saturday Fourball

Got out yesterday, despite the fairly terrible weather, to play 18 holes. Tees off at 8.40 and had to to contend with rain for the first 7 holes. But by the time we hit off on 8 it had dried up and remained rain free for the rest of our round.

Myself (16) and Ian (6) V Ronan (8) and Adrian (2). With not alot of golf played lately the odds were very much stacked against us. We had a great start when I stitched my second to about 8 feet, and while I missed the birdie put, the par with a shot was good enough to win the hole. With the second halved in pars, we won the third thanks to a birdie from Ian. We went on to loose the 4th and half the rest of the front nine leaving us 1 up at the turn - and also winning the first fiver.

We lost the tenth only to win the 11th and regain our narrow lead. Ronan had done well to get a par on the 11th after finding a bit of trouble off the tee. I'd had reasonably decent tee shot and had left my second just short of the front of the green. I went for a bump and run with my 8 iron but didn't quite hit it hard enough. I'd left myself a nasty 12 footer with a good bit of left to right in it. Ronan looked on in horror as in it rolled. With a shot it was good enough for the win.

It went back and forth until the lads took the lead on the 16th. After being up for most of the round we were now looking like we could be bet. On the 17th a par for Ian halved the hole and brought us to the 18th still alive.

All four of us hit, probably, our best drives of the day. All four were is great positions for their second. I was up first and pitched on. Over hit it slightly and it ran about 15 feet passed the hole. Not too bad considering I had a shot on this hole too. Ronan hit his in and it went short and right - but not much. He finished in the first cut about 10 feet from the pin. Ian hit his in and left it about 6 feet right of the hole. Great shot under pressure. Considering that Adrian was 1 under so far to think that we were still alive on the 18th green was a good achievement. He hit his in - came down about a foot from the pin but didn't check and ran about 20 feet passed.
I rolled my put up and narrowly missed the birdie but had hit it a little too hard. Ran about 5 feet passed. Ronan's put scrapped the edge of the cup but didn't drop - gimme par. Adrian's put was right on line but stopped about a foot short. Another gimme par. We had two puts to win the hole and level the match. Ian was up first. Hw didn't dwell on it too long. He decided on his line and hit it. In it rolled. I had the pressure free put and in it rolled too. Match halved.

Great result for us and very enjoyable day on the course.

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