Saturday, March 01, 2008

What to do???

Where has it all gone wrong? Has it gone wrong? I simply don't know what side of the line I stand on.

Rafa's arrival was heralded as the start of the return to the old days. Now I'm not saying that we should be winning title after title by now but we should be competing a hell of a lot more. Man Utd, Arsenal and Chelsea are them teams we need to be challenging - not Everton, Man City & Villa. But that's where we find ourselves.
It's hard know who to blame - Rafa, the new owners or the players themselves. The new owners obviously have an affect on the team. There loose comments can not have done much for morale at the club - but they have stumped up the cash for the players Rafa wanted. They have just sanctioned the £18m signing of Mascherano. But I do think the sooner they go the better. It' a pity Moores didn't have the cash to move the club along. There was a good chairman.

The players have to stand up and start to perform like we know they can. They've made a start - let's see if they can continue it.

I'm starting to loose faith with Rafa. I have a lot of faith in him but it is starting to diminish. While I admire him for sticking to his beliefs that squad rotation is the way to go he has to be able to see that Liverpool's best runs all occur when the team stays the same for as long as possible. I know keeping so many top players happy is tough but playing them for the sake of it is wrong. For me, the back 5 should remain the same. Pick your best 5 and let them play.
Trying to keep the 4 central midfielders happy is, in my opinion, Rafa's biggest problem. Obviously Gerrard is first name on every teamsheet. Changing the team to suit the others has cost us valuable points this season. I think Alonso should play. Mascherano and Alonso are of a similar type but I think Alonso uses the ball better. He can also put in a tackle as good as the Argie. Lucas is a talented player but ahead of the other three - I think not.

As long as Torres starts we will never do too bad up top but again I think he needs to decide who partners him and let them at it. The wingers, I suppose, are the most interchangeable but how can a player remain in good form if he plays well one week and then is dropped for the next game.

Rafa has to sort it out. Managing a top team is not easy - but if Liverpool don't improve dramatically by the end of the season then it most likely something he won't have to worry about.

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