Friday, April 28, 2006

Best Round Ever!!!

It finally happened. I broke 90 for a second time. Not by one shot, I might add, but by three.

I went out after work yesterday evening with my brother with the notion of playing 9 holes, maybe 13. But as the weather was so good when we got to the 13th holes we decided to play 2 more then after the 15th, we said we might as well just finish the 18.

I had a round of 3 pars, 13 bogies and 2 double bogies.
Alot of my score had to do with giving myself a second shot, i.e. not driving into trees or behind a bush or something like that. Mind you, I could have saved 2 shots on the par-5 8th. My driving really improved over the last couple of weeks. I've slowed everything down and it seems to be working.

I'm heading out again today after work so I'll see if I can come close to it again today.......or find out if I was just lucky yesterday.
As always I'll let you know.......Getting used to breaking 90

Saturday, April 22, 2006


There's nothing like a bit of practice. I managed to get out for 54 holes during the week. Started off on Tuesday not too bad. Driving was more solid but I lost the head a bit after duffing a couple of my 2nd shots.

Wednesday was much better. Everything was working well. Driving was good, iron play was very good. If I were to give out about anything it would be my chipping especially as I've been practicing my chipping more than anything else. Went around in 88 shots ging me a net 2 under par.

Thursday wasn't as good as the day before but wasn't too bad either. I left about 8 shots behind me with silly mistakes and still managed a 94.

Don't think I'll be playing in the competition this week, but I'm playing with my uncle next week for the first time. Really looking forward to that. Hopefully I'll play half decent.

Going to try and hit the driving range as well as trying to get out for a few holes during the week.

Monday, April 17, 2006

One Better

Played the competition yesterday with my brother, and two other members. It was reasonable again out there again this week. Again I played fairly well but I'm making it dificult for myself.

I had 28 points this week, one better than last week, but it could have and probably should have been better. I sometimes can't help myself. There I was playing with my brother and two guys, one over 60 and one nearing 60. These guys were sending there drives right down the middle, every time. I wasn't able to resist. After sending my first three drives down the fairway I decided I needed to be sending them further. Bad mistake. My slice returned. The harder I tried to hit the ball the more to the right the ball went. I reckon it cost me 8 shots out there yesterday. Having to chip out or play over trees is not any way close to ideal. It wasn't until Ian told me to slow down and just make sure I got it out there that I started finding fairways again.

I'm playing well with my irons, for the most part at least. I have to keep myself together when I'm on the tee box. One of the lads said last night in the pub that I have to let the club do the work. I have to get out of my way.

I'm going to try and play 18 holes a couple of times this week so I'll try put his advice into practice. Here's hoping!!

Saturday, April 15, 2006

Esker Hills, Tullamore.

I headed off for Tullamore on Good Friday with three of the lads for a fourball. We were playing Esker Hills ( Fabulous course at a great price. We got the round and buggy hire for €45 per man.

It was me and Ronan against Phily and Johnny C. We were out for revenge. we had played Westport earlier in the year and lost it by a couple of holes.

After a steady opening 3 or 4 holes I started to have a bit of a nightmare making very basic mistakes. I hit my tee shot in the water and it sort of went downhill after that. I hit 3 shots out of bounds so all the pressure was on Ronan to keep us in the match. He was hitting the ball well as was Johnny C. Phily, while not quite as bad as me, was not having the best of days. After going 3 down on the 14th all was looking lost. We tied the 15th with a pair of bogies. Then we started playing. Ronan won the 16th for us with a solid par and he'd a par on the 17th while I had a net par. After playing 17 holes I had only counted in 2 holes and both were to tie the hole. Was I delighted when my bogie on the 18th was enough to win the hole and earn us a draw. It wasn't exactly the revenge we were looking for but...........

Playing tomorrow in the Sunday competition in my local club so hopefully I left my bad shots behind me in Tullamore. Managed be get a bit of chipping practice in today as well so I'll find out soon enough if it did any good.

Sunday, April 09, 2006

Ain't It Always The Way

My wife decided to go to Dublin shopping yesterday so I said I'd head out to the golf course and hit the driving range for a bit of practice ahead of today's competition.
My brother rang me before I left to see if I wanted to play a round.

We booked a tee time for 12.10. After a round which included 5 pars, 7 bogies, 3 doubles, 2 triples and an 8 on a par-4 I had accumulated 35 points.

I left the course yesterday fairly confident for todays round. I think I used up too many of my good shots yesterday. I had 27 points which over all wasn't too bad. But I only had two pars all day, coming on the par-3 17th and the par-4 18th. I left at least 4 pars out there, easy pars at that I might add. I also had one reasonable birdie chance.

My two best drives were followed by two dreadful shots, but for the most part I was hitting my new irons well. If I can get a bit of consistancy off the tee I wouldn't be long knocking a couple of shots off my handicapp.

Still, I really enjoyed the round today and am looking forward to the finish of the masters tonight.

Slan, for now.

Wednesday, April 05, 2006

Just A Quick One

Got out for 11 holes yesterday evening. Played the 11 holes in 13 over par which was within my handicapp.
Heading to the driving range tomorrow and will hopefully get out on Friday evening for a few holes. Going to play in the competition on Sunday so the practice should do me good.

Fingers crossed.

Sunday, April 02, 2006

Saturday Round

I got a full round in yesterday at my local golf club (See pic of layout). Didn't do too bad. Got around in 95, which is 3 over my handicap. The ball was plugging a bit and with no relief in the rough there was no option but to play it where it lay. So that cost me at least 5 shots and I knockd it out of bounds and had a lost ball.

So as it's only the beginning of April and I'm just starting to get playing again this year I'm happy enough how I'm playing. Highlight of yesterday's round came at the 342 metre par-4 14th. After a resonable drive I was left with about 155m. Wind was blowing accross us left to right. Played a 5-iron to the left of the flag. Ball finished about 4 metres left of the hole. Hit a solid put but it rolled just passed on the right. Tap in par. Take them any day of the week.

Course is looking good too. Alot of pruning done in the last couple of weeks. The new greens at 2, 7 & 11 are coming on well. Another 4-6 weeks and the course will be top notch.

With the time going forward last weekend the long evenings are coming in so I'll be able to get out a couple of times a week for 9 or so holes. The more I play the more consistant my golf will be.

Looking forward to it.