Monday, April 17, 2006

One Better

Played the competition yesterday with my brother, and two other members. It was reasonable again out there again this week. Again I played fairly well but I'm making it dificult for myself.

I had 28 points this week, one better than last week, but it could have and probably should have been better. I sometimes can't help myself. There I was playing with my brother and two guys, one over 60 and one nearing 60. These guys were sending there drives right down the middle, every time. I wasn't able to resist. After sending my first three drives down the fairway I decided I needed to be sending them further. Bad mistake. My slice returned. The harder I tried to hit the ball the more to the right the ball went. I reckon it cost me 8 shots out there yesterday. Having to chip out or play over trees is not any way close to ideal. It wasn't until Ian told me to slow down and just make sure I got it out there that I started finding fairways again.

I'm playing well with my irons, for the most part at least. I have to keep myself together when I'm on the tee box. One of the lads said last night in the pub that I have to let the club do the work. I have to get out of my way.

I'm going to try and play 18 holes a couple of times this week so I'll try put his advice into practice. Here's hoping!!

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