Wednesday, November 01, 2006

Bloody Weather

With the evenings now dark by 4.45 there has been very little golf. Even when we got out last week end at lunch time it was nearly dark by the time we finished.

I've been trying to get a bit of practice in when I can. Putting down the hall, swinging a club out in the back garden. Trying to get into the driving range during the week but with work, the house and other stuff that pops up i haven't had a chance.

The house is taking up most of my Saturdays. I don't really mind it too much though. To be honest I actually quite enjoy it. Kind of makes you want to go round the place grunting like Tim " The Toolman" Taylor.

The house is coming on grand. This picture was taken about 2 weeks ago. The slating has started and the plastering outside is all done. We've even started the painting. But all this work on the house, while enoyable as it is, does not do much for my golf game.

I'm hoping t oget out next Sunday for the Competition. I'll let ye know how I get on....

Sunday, October 22, 2006

Very Little Golf

Well, it’s been very quite on the golfing front the last few weeks. With the house and the weather along with the evenings getting shorter and shorter there hasn’t been a whole pile of time to get many holes in.

What I have done is practice my chipping and pitching. I’ve been trying to improve my short game. I started this year playing off 21 so to have reduced my handicapp down to 18.7 and to have won a competition as well as progress a couple of rounds in the matchplay. The practicing I have been getting in has definitely benefitted me.

So the plan for the winter is to get a few of the winter comps played as well as keep the progress made so when next Spring comes along I’ll be better again.

Sunday, September 17, 2006

Ryder Cup

The Ryder Cup has finallt arrived. I didn't manage to get my hands on any match day tickets but I did get one for the Wednesday, a practice day.

I'm really looking forward to heading up. Cameras are allowed on the practice days so I'll post a few pictures during the week.

Come on Europe!!!!

Tuesday, September 12, 2006

Summer Coming To An End..........Sigh

I must admit I have not been playing as much golf as I wish. We started to build a house at the beginning of the summer and it's taking up alot of my time.

I can't remember the last competition I played in. I was supposed to play the last 2 Sundays but between staying out till after 6 one Sunday morning and the comp been cancelled the following all I've managed have been 3 halfish rounds, 9 holes, 11 holes and 10 holes, with the later this evening. We played 10 holes, of which I parred 6, bogied 2 and doubled the other 2.

Everything seemed to come together well. I lipped out the 2 bogies, as well as having 2 really decent birdie chances.

Playing in a 3 ball rumble on Sunday next. Looking foward it to it already.......

Tuesday, August 08, 2006

Two Days - Two Competitions

As it was a Bank Holiday here last weekend there was a competition on both Sunday and Monday last. Sunday's was a strokeplay while Monday's was stableford.

I was out early on the Sunday morning with two of the lads, Ronan and Brian. I had been up town for a few quite pints the night before and was feeling a little bit tired to say the least. It acutally turned out to be a good round. I opened with a par and followed it up with three bogies and a couple of pars. I was keeping myself really in the competition with pars and bogies. I even had a birdie. A couple of double bogies kept me from running away with it. As I had 19 shots wasn’t hurting.

I was about 10 over for 9 holes. I went on to bogie 10 and 11 and par the 12th. After a bad drive and a not so good 2nd shot on the par 4 13th I was still off the green after my third shot. I then proceeded to chip it in, to my obvious delight. I was now 12 over for 13 holes.

As I drove off on the 14th I was feeling rather happy. It was then that I got a call from Donal. He owns a share in a sailing boat. In the pub the night before we had discussed the possability of going sailing on Sunday afternoon. He rang to say everything was sorted and to head straight to the mooring after my round. Just before he hung up he asked “How ya getting on?”. I then had to say that I was going well. As soon as I utttered the words I already felt my luck changing. I went on to duff my second shot and only managed to knock it to the front of the green with my third shot. I chipped it in close and took a bogie, which wasn’t too bad.

It was then that Ronan and Brian said if I could manage to play the next four holes in 3 over I’d probably win the comp.

Needless to say, I took an 8 on each of the following 2 holes. Both are par 4s. Game over. What’s worse is that I parred the next 2 holes.

I’ll think twice before opening my mouth again.

As for the Monday comp - Same Bat Channel.

Wednesday, July 26, 2006

My First Win

I stated 2 weeks holidays last Monday. With herself working the frst week what better way to spend a few hours every day than out on the course.
I was out with my brother on Monday morning and the golf was very hot and cold. Some great shots and some, eh......not so great. I managed to have a few pars but lost the match 3 and 2. I must admit I was very dissappointed at how I was playing.

Every Tuesday in the golf club there is an open competition. Stableford. We, my brother and I, were on the time sheet for 2.20pm. We were joined by 2 other members. Everything seemd to go right. Drive after drive found the fairway. My iron play was as good as it's ever been and my chipping was flying it ( I chipped in for par on the 13th, as well as stiching 6 more holes). My putting could have been better but was ok.

I played the front 9 for 8 over. The back 9 is were it really got going. I was 4 over giving me 13 over total and 42 points. 42 points was good enough to win by 2. I won the competition. Fecking class. My first win. Handicap got cut back to 18.7 so I'm now playing off 19.

What makes it even better is that I followed up yesterday's 13 over with another 13 over again today. I bet my brother 9 and 8.

I just hope it continues.

Thursday, June 29, 2006

2nd Round

Well it's been a while since my last post. I played the Captains prize, played in an Am Am in Galway's best course and nearly won a prize at it to boot. I also scored a net 72 in last week's competition and played in the 2nd round of the club matchplay.

Where to start. I'd been playing some decent golf, relativly speaking, in the week up to the Captain's prize. So I was more than hopeful of making it through to the following week. By the time I teed off it had started to rain. I didn't let up until we were called in after the 9th hole. I had started off shakey enough, having to hole a 10 foot put to keep it to a 6 on the first. Then after a couple of bad shots on the 2nd I was 3 over after 2. I stood up on the 3rd tee and caught the ball very heavy. It landed just in front of the womens tee. Bad. Very bad. What was worse was my second shot very short of the green. It started to turn then. I took out my sand wedge and hit it to about 8 feet which I duly knocked in. I felt a bit of confidance returning.

I managed to par one of the next 6 holes and bogey the rest, excluding a 6 on the 7th and a 7 on the par 5 8th, leaving me 10 over after 9. The rain when we were coming up the 7th and going dwn the 8th was unbearable. The course was also starting to flood. Some of the greens were unplayable. We got called in just as we were finishing out the 9th.

An hour later we were back on the 10th tee. I managed to bogey it along with the 11th. So after 11 holes I was 12 over which was going great, considering I'm playing off 21.

Then came the 12th and 13th. A 10 was taken on the 12th with two balls out of bounds. Round over. To compound that, I took a 8 on the par 4 13th. My playing partner was still in with a chance so I played on. He was finished after 14 though so we went in after the 15th.

On Friday last I played Galway Golf Club, in Salthill. Class. I had 35 points, with 36 points good enough for a prize. Loved playing in there though. Really enjoyed it. Driving a little erratic but I got around.

I played match yesterday evening. Teed off at 5pm and was in for 8pm. Got bet on the 16th. I'd been driving really well but it my drive on the 16th into the trees. My opponant saved his best drive of the match. Straight down the middle, and long. I had a decent shot out with only a small branch in my way. I hit it of course. A 1 in 20 shot. I gaurantee that if I tried to hit the branch 20 times I wouldn't do it. It finished up behind another tree. I was left with no shot but to knock it out sideways. I had a put for a 6 to put a small bit f pressure on - it would have left him with only 2 puts to win but I missed and conceded.

I was happy enough at how I played though so I wasn't too disappointed. But I had a couple of chances to win holes that I didn't take. If I had of made those shots............If..........

Friday, June 16, 2006

Captain's Prize

Well, in terms of my golfing life, it's been a great week. Winning my match last Sunday evening was followed by my best ever half round score. I got out for 9 holes on Tuesday evening. I played the 9 holes in 5 over, parring 5 of the 9 holes. I followed this with 6 holes on Wednesday evening - only got 6 played because the play was so slow out there. Played them 6 holes in 4 over.

Which is all boding well for this weekend's competition - The Captain's Prize. I'm playing on Sunday afternoon with 2 of my mates. The three of us were drawn to play together which is great. Teeing off at 2.10. I'm going to try and get a couple of hourse practice tomorrow afternoon. A bit of chipping and putting I think wouldn't do any harm.

Format for this year's comp is 18 holes with the top 64 to qualify for another 18 holes next week. The top 27 of the second round qualifies for the final round.

If I make it to the second week I'll be delighted. I'll let ye know.......

Monday, June 12, 2006

The Match!!!

I got a phone call on Saturday evening from the guy I was playing in the club matchplay. Because the Captain's prize is coming up next weekend he wanted to try and get our match played as soon as possible. We arranged to meet at the golf club on Sunday afternoon and see if we could get out somewhere.

I went out a bit early and hit the driving range. I hit a basket of balls and was just on the putting green for about 5 minutes when he arrived over and introduced himself, Tom. Sound man. That kind of calmed whatever nerves I had. My main goal was not to get walloped. I did not want to be coming in after 11 or 12 holes well and truly bet.

We set off. He was playing off 18 so he had the honour of teeing off first. He sent it pretty much down the middle. I stood up and hit mine into the trees on the right hand side of the fairway. The ball landed in a bit of a clearing. I had a good gap to aim through but the ball was resting about 1 inch from a rock embeded in the ground. I knocked it through the trees but couldn't hit it too hard. I was still short of his drive. I hit a 7 iron in. I was short by about a foot from it being a great shot. Instead it rolled back into the bunker. Tom hit his 2nd onto the green. I hit out of the bunker and passed the pin by about 10 feet. Tom putted to about 6 inches. I was 1 down.

After a couple of decent drives and good approach shots we shared the second with 2 pars. Onto the third. We both hit to the right hand side of the green. I chipped out but didn't catch enough of the ball. It stopped on the first cut. Tom chipped to 2 feet. I left the put short. 2 down.

The 4th was playing down through a big wind blowing left to right accross us. Tom hit a 5 wood down the middle. I hit driver. I was trying to keep it low but I got too much on it and it went out of bounds. I managed to hit my third down the middle. Both of us hit the green with our next shot, his 2nd and my 4th. Again he putted to a few inches to win the hole. 3 down. Not looking good.

The 5th plays the same direction as the 4th so again the wind was a big factor. Tom hit his too much to the right and went out onto the 8th fairway. Again I treid to keep mine low but caught it a little too much. The wind caught it and it ended up in the trees on the right hand side of the fairway. I took 2 to get out and then proceeded to hit my 4th into the bunker. Tom had managed to find the 5th fairway with his 2nd and rolled up his third onto the green. I chipped out well enough but still had a lot to do to make a 6. Tom putted to about 3 feet. I missed my put and conceded the hole. 4 down. 4 down through 5. Not looking good. Not looking good at all.

The wind was blowing against us on the 6th. I took out my 5 iron. Tom hit his to the right of the green. I hit mine a little to the right. It was also short. It stopped a couple of feet from the bunker. I chipped to 6 feet. Tom chipped his into the bunker, and took 2 to get out. He conceded. 1 back. 3 down.

The comeback had started. I went on to win 7, 8 and 9. All square going down 10. I put my drive on the 1oth into more trees. Bloody trees. Lost the 10th, and after another woeful drive on the 11th I lost that one too. Back to 2 down. I put my tee shot on the 12th out of bounds and proceeded to loose that one as well. 3 down. I thought I was done for. I'd be in by the 15th.

Tom hit his drive on the 13th into very heavy rough. I played it safe. Down the middle. And then hit a 5 iron to just in front of the green. Tom took 2 to get out of the rough and was still a good bit back. He hit his 4th to just below the bunker. I pitched onto the green. But well down from the pin. Tom pitched into the bunker and just managed to get out in 1. It was hanging on the edge. He conceded. 2 down.

Both of our drives on the 14th went ot the right. Mine was a bit bigger than Tom's. He was behind the trees and had to play out. He hit his third to the front left of the green. I hit my second to the right of the green. Just off the edge. I pitched in to about 2-3 feet. Tom putted to about 2-3 feet. I sank the put and won the hole. Only 1 in it now through 14. It would go to 16 at least now. No disgrace in that.

We both had disasters on 15. Tom won it with a 7. A bloody 7. 2 down, 3 holes left. Onto the 16th. Tom hit his drive into the trees on the right. I hit my best drive all day. A screamer down the left handside of the fairway. Perfect for a good approach shot. Tom hit his 2nd out but caught it too sweetly. It ran diagonally accross the fairway. It stopped just behind more trees. I hit my second to the green, front left hand side. It took Tom another 2 shots to make the green. I two putted to about 2 feet. Tom needed to make his put to keep hole alive. He missed. 1 in it now, 2 holes left.

I hit my tee shot short on the 17th. Tom went to the right of the green. I didn't do myself any favours when I pitched it 2 feet onto the green. About 40-45 feet shot of the pin. Tom chipped to within 10 feet. I lined up the put, hit it and to my utter delight watched it roll in. Tom missed his par put and we went to all square with 1 left to play. I couldn't believe it.

I then, to my utter dismay, hit my tee shot out of bounds. I skyed the ball left. I then had to watch Tom hit his. It went a bit right but he had a good shot in. I teed up again and hit a big drive down the middle, even better than my drive on the 16th. Tom hit his second to the bunker on the front left hand side of the green. I hit my 4th, out of a divot, onto the green. 20 feet short of pin. Tom caught his ball thin. It flew out of the bunker and nearly broke a window in the club house before bouncing around the balcony. He dropped in the bunker and hit his 5th shot to the back of the green. He then putted to 3 feet. I had 2 shots to win. All I wanted to do was get it close. The ball went about 4 feet passed the hole. I respotted the ball, took a deep breath and putted. In it went. I won.

I had been 4 down through 5, all square through 9, 3 down through 12, 2 down with 3 to play and I won. Absolutly brilliant.

I'm over the moon. I called all my golfing mates after the match. I was talking about it for the night.

Bring on the next match.

Saturday, June 10, 2006

My Driving

This is me driving off on the 16th at my local club a couple of weeks ago.

This is the picture that, for the most part, has sorted out my driving. As you can see the club is way ahead of my arm. I basically wasn't swinging on my drives. I was hitting AT the ball.

The picture was taken by mistake. My mate was looking at my phone and just happened to take the picture as I was "swinging" through.

When I seen it I knew how I could improve my swing - and it did improve.

I'm getting the ball out there now. Straight and long. Every now and again it goes left. Straight left. But it's way better. I'm giving myself a great chance of being on the green in two which is half the battle.

I forgot to mention....

My handicap has gone out to 21. I'd been playing off 20.4 for a few weeks.
Now while it is a bit disappointing to be going out the way I always thought that I'd have to go out before I'd start coming in. Now that I'm getting out 3-4 times a week I'm playing more consistent. All I need to do is try and reign in a couple of the holes where it all goes to pot.
If I managed to have a 6 instead of and 8.

I must say that I'm only having an odd hole like this but it's definitely costing me. After playing 6 holes on Tuesday evening I was 3 over. After the 7th I was 7 over. Now I know that 7 over through 7 is actually playing under my handicap I still can't afford to loose 4 shots on one hole.

I'm confidant that by the end of the year I'll be back off 20 or below.

Going out to 21 is a bit of a pain in the arse but I'm enjoying my golf, I'm driving well, hitting my irons well, chipping not too bad and putting well. I just need to do them altogether.

Friday, June 09, 2006

Can't beat a bit of practice

I'm still waiting for my oppenant to contact me to organise out match. Only have a week left to get it played.
I managed to get out for a bit of practice on Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday evening. Playing fairly well. Baring a couple of feck ups on a couple of holes I'm reasonably happy how I'm playing. I gradually getting some consistancy into my rounds.

Not much of a post, i know, but it's been a quite week.

Tuesday, May 30, 2006

In Addition

Well, I went out to the golf club today to check the board and make sure Philly hadn't made some mistake. He hadn't. I finished in 60th position with the top 64 qualifying. I'm delighted. 60th out of about 150 is not bad.

Have to get a bit of practice in though. On the range practice. Got out for 9 holes this evening. I'm driving the ball well but pulling some of them left. Had a couple of pars and a few bogies, but I also had a couple of puzzling shots. I sliced a couple with a 5 and 7 iron that I hadn't been doing in a long while. I suppose all the more reason to hit the range.

I'm going to try and get out once more before I head away for the long weekend.
I'm also going to try and sort a lesson.

Maybe a couple of lessons........

Monday, May 29, 2006


I just found out this evening that I qualified for the club match play tournament. My net 77 was just about good enough. 77 was the cut off. I'll find out later in the week who I'm playing.

I just hope I don't disgrace myself.

A Bit Hit & Miss.........Revisited

I played in the competition yesterday. It was a stroke play event. Top 64 qualified for the club match play. A net score of 72-74, maybe even 75 would be good enough to qualify - usually.
It was a round of some ok shots, some good shots and some great shots, as well as, unfortunately, some bad ones.

There were pars, bogies, double bogies, 2 triple bogies and one awful 4 0ver. I had a 7 on the par 4 5th. I put my drive out of bounds and didn't do too good with my second. I took my punishment and was happy enough to get out with the 7. I managed to pull my self back into contention with a couple of pars and a run of 4 bogies. I had my second 7 on the par 4 14th. I hit a decent drive to the left of the fairway. I was about 155 metres out. I hit in a 5-iron but left the face open slightly and the ball shot out left into the trees to the right front side of the green. When I got up to the ball I wasn't too happy to see the ball in a drain. I took my penalty drop and landed it on the font of the green fourth shot. I was thinking that if I could manage to two put and get out with a 6 it wouldn't be too bad. I putted it to within 5 feet of the hole. To my absolute dismay I missed the 5 footer. Another 7 - GREAT.

What really finished me off was the following hole, the par 4 15th. I was pretty angry with myself for missing the 5 footer on the previous hole. The ball felt every bit of it. I drove it straight down the middle - a long way down the middle. I was about 145 metres out. I took out my 5-iron again. I'd been hitting it very well - except for my second shot on the 14th.
I seized up the green, decided which line I wanted to send it down. I shanked it. I nearly took the head off the guy teeing off on the 14th tee box. I was left behind a bunch of tall trees. Way too tall to get a lob wedge over them. I took out my 4-iron and decided on a punch shot. There is a concrete bin beside the 14th tee. I caught it so square that the ball nearly hit me on the way back. From there I lost it - ended up taking an 8 and definitely ruining my card.
I had a par and 2 bogies on the last three holes - just to rub in the fact that if I'd managed to only have two or three shots less on the 14th & 15th I'd probably have qualified.

Ah well, live and learn. I finished with a lovely 97 - a net 77. Come Thursday I'll be playing off 21, so I'll have one more shot to play with. I'm really going to try and get more practice in, as well as a lesson over the next week or so. Have to improve my consistency with my chipping. I know I can chip and lob well. But I mess up about 3 or 4 out of every 10. Have to improve that. I'm happy enough with my driving and my iron play but a bit of practice wouldn't hurt. Putting has improved something over the last couple of weeks. Very happy with that.

I'm away next weekend so I'm going to try and get out a couple of times during the week.


Saturday, May 27, 2006

Last Saturday in Oughterard

I was invited to play in a CIF sponsered single stabeford competition with a couple of guys from work. It was held at Oughterard Golf Club. Tee time was 9.50am.

We all arrive out in good time so we got to go out a bit earlier than our tee time. The course was pretty wet. It had rained heavily on the Thursday and Friday. After a dodgey first drive, ( I sliced it slightly), I had a decent shot in. About 165 metres out - a 5 iron I thought. I steadied myself, had a practice swing and let fly. Ball again went right of target. I tought it was going to be one of those days, especialy as the two lads I was playing with both found centre of fairway with drives and were both just off the green after their second shot. I pitched in to about 15 foot and two putted. Bogey to start. But it was to get better. After a good drive I was about 145 metres out and I stitched the green with a 7 iron. Was about 12 feet out from pin. I seized up the put, hit it and to my absolute delight watched it roll in. My first birdie outside of Athenry. I followed up this birdie with 3 pars, 2 of which were puts over 20 feet.

After the golf I had been playing leading up to last Saturday I was not sure how I was going to play on a new course. I finished the round with 36 points, one point short of a prize. My round included 1 birdie and 7 pars. I finally held a score together in a competiton.

I was very happy with most aspects of my game. My chipping and putting were as good as they've ever been. Iron play was solid and Driving was not too bad. Hit a couple of slices but over all I was happy.

Playing tomorrow in a competition in Athenry. Here's hoping I brought my game in with me from Oughterard.

I should also point out that I've had a couple more birdies since last weekend. I got out for a couple of holes during the week.

Hopefully I have a couple more left for tomorrow.

Until next time......

Thursday, May 18, 2006

A Bit Hit & Miss...

Well since my last post my driving as been a bit erratic. After playing last Thursday and hitting the ball so well I was eager to get out again on Friday for a few holes.

I couldn't find anyone to go out so I hit the range. I was pinging my drives. I was delighted. I got 100 balls and I think that was my mistake. By the time I got to 60 or so I had enough. I hit a few with my irons and again they were all going well.
An odd bad shot was creeping in though. When I was leaving the range a thought crept through my head. Had I used up all my good shots? Was I over-doing it?

I got my answer on Sunday morning. It was very wet and we were teeing off for 8am. It was a V-par doubles competition. Me and Ian, my brother. I started off well. First 2 drives down the middle and my tee shot with a 4-iron on the par-3 third was spot on. Even my drive on the 4th was decent. I lost it a bit going down the 5th. Drivewas very left, high and short. I had to knock the ball out from behind a tree, so I grabbed my 4 iron to hit a low easy punch shot, caught it too sweet and sent it into another tree. I only just about managed to keep the head.
What was really getting to me was that I knew only a couple of days before everything was going so well. I parred the par-3 6th to put us 2 up through the 6 holes. Then came 7 and 8. I'm not going to go into too much detail about these holes, but lets just say that I had taken 3 shots on the par-5 8th and I was only beside the ladies tee.
We went in after 9 2- up, mainly thanks to Ian.

I got out for 13 holes on Tuesday evening and played ok. Had 4 pars and 6 bogies, 2 doubles and a 8 on the par 4 1st. Driving was ok. My problem is now, pulling the ball low and left.

I'm supposed to be playing in an Am-Am tomorrow at 4 and again on Saturday morning. So I'm hoping I can keep it together for a full 18, twice. Fingers crossed......not holding my breath though.

Thursday, May 11, 2006

Hitting It Well!!

I don't want to jinx myself or anything but since I decided to give it a lash on the 13th tee last Sunday I've been hitting the ball really well, both off the tee and from the fairwat and rough.

I played 15 holes on Tuesday evening and 9 holes this evening and I've not put myself behind a tree once. I've had a decent 2nd shot every time.

Playing again tomorrow evening and in the competition on sunday so here's hoping it continues.

Monday, May 08, 2006

Yesterday's Competition

I played in yesterday's competition with a couple of the lads. Having thought I'd sorted out my driving over the last couple of weeks I was greatly dissappointed with how I started out. One drive would be awful, one would be not so bad. Nothing really good.

By the time I got to the 13th tee I was fed up with the driving. My iron play was pretty solid, bubut I was putting myself in some awkward positions. So on the 13th tee I put the ball forward in my stance, took a slow and steady back swing and let rip. To my delight I hit it about 275 yards. And it continued for the remainder.

Before I was taking a cautious approach with my driving. I was keeping the ball in the middle of my stance and kept the full swing slow and steady. But I'm now going to keep trying to hit it as far as I can. If it means I slice the odd one and knock into the next fairway so be it.

I finished the round strong and ended up with 25 points, with 18 points coming in the last 6 holes. I'm looking forward to heading out to the driving range and really working on my driving. So here's hoping next Sunday will be better......

Friday, April 28, 2006

Best Round Ever!!!

It finally happened. I broke 90 for a second time. Not by one shot, I might add, but by three.

I went out after work yesterday evening with my brother with the notion of playing 9 holes, maybe 13. But as the weather was so good when we got to the 13th holes we decided to play 2 more then after the 15th, we said we might as well just finish the 18.

I had a round of 3 pars, 13 bogies and 2 double bogies.
Alot of my score had to do with giving myself a second shot, i.e. not driving into trees or behind a bush or something like that. Mind you, I could have saved 2 shots on the par-5 8th. My driving really improved over the last couple of weeks. I've slowed everything down and it seems to be working.

I'm heading out again today after work so I'll see if I can come close to it again today.......or find out if I was just lucky yesterday.
As always I'll let you know.......Getting used to breaking 90

Saturday, April 22, 2006


There's nothing like a bit of practice. I managed to get out for 54 holes during the week. Started off on Tuesday not too bad. Driving was more solid but I lost the head a bit after duffing a couple of my 2nd shots.

Wednesday was much better. Everything was working well. Driving was good, iron play was very good. If I were to give out about anything it would be my chipping especially as I've been practicing my chipping more than anything else. Went around in 88 shots ging me a net 2 under par.

Thursday wasn't as good as the day before but wasn't too bad either. I left about 8 shots behind me with silly mistakes and still managed a 94.

Don't think I'll be playing in the competition this week, but I'm playing with my uncle next week for the first time. Really looking forward to that. Hopefully I'll play half decent.

Going to try and hit the driving range as well as trying to get out for a few holes during the week.

Monday, April 17, 2006

One Better

Played the competition yesterday with my brother, and two other members. It was reasonable again out there again this week. Again I played fairly well but I'm making it dificult for myself.

I had 28 points this week, one better than last week, but it could have and probably should have been better. I sometimes can't help myself. There I was playing with my brother and two guys, one over 60 and one nearing 60. These guys were sending there drives right down the middle, every time. I wasn't able to resist. After sending my first three drives down the fairway I decided I needed to be sending them further. Bad mistake. My slice returned. The harder I tried to hit the ball the more to the right the ball went. I reckon it cost me 8 shots out there yesterday. Having to chip out or play over trees is not any way close to ideal. It wasn't until Ian told me to slow down and just make sure I got it out there that I started finding fairways again.

I'm playing well with my irons, for the most part at least. I have to keep myself together when I'm on the tee box. One of the lads said last night in the pub that I have to let the club do the work. I have to get out of my way.

I'm going to try and play 18 holes a couple of times this week so I'll try put his advice into practice. Here's hoping!!

Saturday, April 15, 2006

Esker Hills, Tullamore.

I headed off for Tullamore on Good Friday with three of the lads for a fourball. We were playing Esker Hills ( Fabulous course at a great price. We got the round and buggy hire for €45 per man.

It was me and Ronan against Phily and Johnny C. We were out for revenge. we had played Westport earlier in the year and lost it by a couple of holes.

After a steady opening 3 or 4 holes I started to have a bit of a nightmare making very basic mistakes. I hit my tee shot in the water and it sort of went downhill after that. I hit 3 shots out of bounds so all the pressure was on Ronan to keep us in the match. He was hitting the ball well as was Johnny C. Phily, while not quite as bad as me, was not having the best of days. After going 3 down on the 14th all was looking lost. We tied the 15th with a pair of bogies. Then we started playing. Ronan won the 16th for us with a solid par and he'd a par on the 17th while I had a net par. After playing 17 holes I had only counted in 2 holes and both were to tie the hole. Was I delighted when my bogie on the 18th was enough to win the hole and earn us a draw. It wasn't exactly the revenge we were looking for but...........

Playing tomorrow in the Sunday competition in my local club so hopefully I left my bad shots behind me in Tullamore. Managed be get a bit of chipping practice in today as well so I'll find out soon enough if it did any good.

Sunday, April 09, 2006

Ain't It Always The Way

My wife decided to go to Dublin shopping yesterday so I said I'd head out to the golf course and hit the driving range for a bit of practice ahead of today's competition.
My brother rang me before I left to see if I wanted to play a round.

We booked a tee time for 12.10. After a round which included 5 pars, 7 bogies, 3 doubles, 2 triples and an 8 on a par-4 I had accumulated 35 points.

I left the course yesterday fairly confident for todays round. I think I used up too many of my good shots yesterday. I had 27 points which over all wasn't too bad. But I only had two pars all day, coming on the par-3 17th and the par-4 18th. I left at least 4 pars out there, easy pars at that I might add. I also had one reasonable birdie chance.

My two best drives were followed by two dreadful shots, but for the most part I was hitting my new irons well. If I can get a bit of consistancy off the tee I wouldn't be long knocking a couple of shots off my handicapp.

Still, I really enjoyed the round today and am looking forward to the finish of the masters tonight.

Slan, for now.

Wednesday, April 05, 2006

Just A Quick One

Got out for 11 holes yesterday evening. Played the 11 holes in 13 over par which was within my handicapp.
Heading to the driving range tomorrow and will hopefully get out on Friday evening for a few holes. Going to play in the competition on Sunday so the practice should do me good.

Fingers crossed.

Sunday, April 02, 2006

Saturday Round

I got a full round in yesterday at my local golf club (See pic of layout). Didn't do too bad. Got around in 95, which is 3 over my handicap. The ball was plugging a bit and with no relief in the rough there was no option but to play it where it lay. So that cost me at least 5 shots and I knockd it out of bounds and had a lost ball.

So as it's only the beginning of April and I'm just starting to get playing again this year I'm happy enough how I'm playing. Highlight of yesterday's round came at the 342 metre par-4 14th. After a resonable drive I was left with about 155m. Wind was blowing accross us left to right. Played a 5-iron to the left of the flag. Ball finished about 4 metres left of the hole. Hit a solid put but it rolled just passed on the right. Tap in par. Take them any day of the week.

Course is looking good too. Alot of pruning done in the last couple of weeks. The new greens at 2, 7 & 11 are coming on well. Another 4-6 weeks and the course will be top notch.

With the time going forward last weekend the long evenings are coming in so I'll be able to get out a couple of times a week for 9 or so holes. The more I play the more consistant my golf will be.

Looking forward to it.

Monday, March 27, 2006

Today @ The K-Club

My wife bought me green fees for the K-Club for my birthday. And I bought green fees for my brother. So we headed off yesterday evening and stayed in Maynooth. We were teeing off at 8.00am this morning. We arrived out at the course for 7.30 to have a look around first and to make sure that the course was still playable - it rained alot the last two days.
We were playing the Palmer Course and because the Ryder Cup is being held there this year we had to start at the 8th.

We managed to make our way around although the course was holding alot of water. Tomas Bjorn had a bit of a nightmare playing the 16th on this course during the final round of last years European Open. I know understand why. I must have put at least 6 balls in the water that surrounds that green. Talk about frustrating. The club nearly went in after the 6th ball. Managed to get around it with 4 pars, 6 bogies, 3 doubles and we won't talk about the other 5 holes.

I really enjoyed it today. I'll be able to watch the Ryder Cup now and be able to see where I was and what shot I played compared to the pros.

Until next time.


Hello to All!!

I am a 20 handicapper golfer. I haven't being playing golf for too long. I started about March last year. I managed to get a decent set of Wilson clubs on eBay and started playing with the lads and taking lessons at my local club.
The golfing bug took hold. I put in for membership and got it last September. Got my handicap set at 20. I've also upgraded my clubs. I have a Ping G2 driver, G5 3-Wood, Cobra Baffler, G2 Craz-E putter and a full set of G5 irons with a Ping tour 52deg wedge.

So that's how it started. These blogs will map my progress over the coming golfing year.